Friendship Edinburgh  25 oct 2017

like to get to know someone who is kind and caring, passionate

I'm a little shy around people I don't know and in large groups. I like to go for drives, travel, go out to dinner, cook, go to movies, concerts, and Griz games. I'm good at fast forward, rewind, and sometimes pause. I get along well with children and others. I can shake hands, speak, or remain quiet and listen. I'm a great all around companion and good on trips and at play time. I can fetch all types of balls, Frisbee, or groceries. I'm protective but not possessive. I love to cuddle and be close, but I can keep myself occupied and or amused when I'm alone.

I'd like to get to know someone who is kind and caring, passionate and personable, pretty and witty, pretty funny and gives me butterflies in my tummy. Someone who can look me in the eyes and know their alright with me and make me feel everything is gonna be alright. I value affection, reflection and treating others as you wish to be treated whether it's the waitress at a fancy restaurant or cashier at In and Out.

